Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Enjoy ‘The Longest Week’ by blu-ray player for mac

As Valentine’s Day is coming, more and more romantic movies are on their way to the screen. The longest Week is such an example. I’ve always like this kind of movie because I will be moved by the romantic stories. So I watched the blu-ray today by blu-ray player for mac today and enjoyed the beautiful scenes.
The longest week is a 2014 comedy film, directed by Peter Glanz.  It stars Olivia Wilde, Jason Bateman and Billy Crudup in the lead roles.

Here is the plot: A frequent, omniscient voiceover (by Larry Pine) introduces luxury hotel heir Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman), who’s pushing 40 and unemployed his entire life.
Valmont suffers an unwelcome morning call, however, when he’s unceremoniously cut off by his divorcing parents and summarily evicted from New York’s Hotel Valmont, where he’s lived for decades. With his expense accounts frozen, he’s forced to move in with his well-off painter friend Dylan (Billy Crudup), although he keeps his precarious financial status to himself, explaining rather that his hotel suite is under renovation. Dylan immediately begins enthusing about Beatrice (Olivia Wilde), an attractive young debutante and model with a taste for Victorian literature whom he’s recently met…

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